Sanitation & Drinking Water

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Sanitation & Drinking Water : Engineering services for efficient hydraulic management

Need experts in urban hydraulics for your sanitation and drinking water projects? We are here to support you. With our expertise in engineering, we offer comprehensive solutions for urban wastewater collection and treatment, stormwater management, and the distribution of high-quality drinking water. We specialize in optimizing hydraulic structures and provide customized services tailored to each community. Trust our know-how for efficient hydraulic management. Contact us now to learn more about our services.

Engineering Applied to Water

As experts in urban hydraulics, we offer consulting engineering services in the following areas:


We offer engineering services in the field of sanitation (collective and individual), specifically in the collection and treatment of domestic and non-domestic urban wastewater.

As experts in metrology and modeling in the field of urban hydraulics, we rely on a methodology adapted to each specific challenge.

We provide assistance in developing your master plans, as well as acting as project owners or project managers for works, regardless of the size of your community.

Our engineers work with teams of technicians to ensure comprehensive mission execution.

Storm Overflow

Stormwater Management

We conduct hydraulic studies required for development projects that may impact stormwater flows.

We utilize computer tools for the design of alternative techniques (modeling software such as HYETOS, HODOS, etc.).

Stormwater Discharge

Drinking Water

From production to the consumer's tap, we conduct all the necessary studies for the distribution of high-quality water.

As experts in metrology and modeling of drinking water networks, we rely on recognized expertise tailored to each community.

We are involved in the development of master plans, provide project management assistance, and act as project managers for your works.

Instrumentation of a Drinking Water Network

Real-time Management of Hydraulic Structures

We guide you in implementing real-time management of your structures based on artificial intelligence and industrial automation.The objective is to reduce discharges from combined sewer systems into the natural environment.

Feasibility studies help define the potential of your networks and the possible gains in terms of discharges. ixsane is capable of providing turnkey solutions.

Control System Architecture


Sanitation Projects

RéférencesProjets AssainissementDiagnostic study of the sanitation systems in Bray-Dunes, Zuydcoote, and Ghyvelde:
In view of the mutualization of effluent treatment for these three municipalities (15,000 population equivalents), ixsane conducted a diagnostic study of the sanitation systems. The different phases of the study (network survey, measurement campaigns, including during the summer period, additional investigations) resulted in a quantified and prioritized work program.

Project management assistance for diagnostic studies and works supervision for network and wastewater treatment plant projects:
ixsane has been supporting CCGVM for several years in its sanitation works, from the sanitation diagnosis to the development of work programs (construction of wastewater treatment plants, transfer structures, rehabilitation of networks and wastewater treatment plants, etc.).

Stormwater Management Projects

Alternative stormwater management for the development of RD642 between A25 highway and Strazeele:
The study proposed alternatives to the originally planned conventional solution (retention basins) to reduce the footprint of the planned structures and minimize downstream flow concentration. The study was carried out using the HODOS software.

Stormwater management study for Place des Farineau in Bruay-sur-Escaut:
As part of sanitation works in Bruay-sur-Escaut, SMAV wanted to verify the feasibility of implementing alternative techniques through this study.

Drinking Water Projects

Diagnostic study of the drinking water supply system and development of the master plan:
The diagnosis was based on a survey of drinking water networks (36 km), measurement campaigns (17 points), network modeling, and additional investigations.

Works supervision mission for the protection of the water resource from the source of l'Eglise in Vauxcéré:
The different phases of works supervision led to the renovation of the capture building and the waterproofing of the surroundings of the source.

Hydraulic Structures Projects

Feasibility study for the implementation of dynamic network management in the Cahaut watershed in Valenciennes:
ixsane supports its client in optimizing existing storage, from feasibility study (determining volumes and benefits) to the implementation of works (installation of control valves) and the commissioning of dynamic management.

Feasibility study for the implementation of dynamic network management as part of the DKEAU project:
ixsane supports its client in optimizing existing storage, from feasibility study (determining volumes and benefits) to the implementation of works (installation of control valves) and the commissioning of dynamic management.