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ixsane, at the heart of Sediment Management

We conduct all necessary studies for our clients to ensure the smooth progress of sediment dredging operations, from the preparatory organizational phase to project monitoring.

Sediment Sampling and Analysis Campaign

Characterizing the physicochemical quality of sediments is crucial to identify appropriate management options for dredged sediments (such as returning them to watercourses, valorization, transit sites, or storage sites). We provide the following services:

Bathymetric Survey

Bathymetric surveys quantify the volume of sediments to be dredged. We have the necessary equipment for conducting bathymetric surveys (motorized boat, flat-bottomed graduated staff, rounded-end graduated staff, laser rangefinder) and software for data processing (volume calculations, cartographic representation of sedimentation, etc.).

Project Management Support / Engineering

We assist our clients in implementing dredging operations as Project Management Support or as the Engineering Lead.

Regulatory Compliance Documentation

Dredging operations are regulated, for example, by the Environmental Code. They may be subject to Water Law regulations, impact studies, or require permits for the destruction of protected species. The management options for dredged sediments may fall under Industrial Facilities Classified for Environmental Protection (ICPE) regulations.

We prepare all necessary regulatory documentation to obtain the prefectoral order authorizing dredging works and support our clients throughout the entire review process by the relevant governmental authorities.


Sediment Sampling and Analysis

Sediment sampling and analysis campaign on the Liane River:
11 sediment samples, each composed of 5 individual samples, collected along a 2 km stretch of the Liane River using a piston corer and a motorized vessel.

Sediment sampling and analysis campaign in the Rhonelle River:
6 sediment sampling points upstream and downstream of the Aulnoy-Lez-Valenciennes mill, collected directly from the watercourse using a telescopic pole equipped with a beaker.

Sediment sampling and analysis campaign in the Rhine River:
22 sediment sampling points distributed across 7 stations along the Rhine River between Basel and Lauterbourg, using a grab bucket and a motorized vessel.

Bathymetric Survey

Arleux Marsh:
145 bathymetric measurement points (1610 m3 of sediments to be dredged).

Retention basin in the Lauwin-Planque business park:
6 bathymetric profiles and 33 measurement points (185 m3 of sediments to be dredged).

Dead arm of the Basse Deûle River:
19 bathymetric profiles and 177 measurement points (6382 m3 of sediments to be dredged).

Client and Project Management

Engineering services for dredging works in the dead arm of the Neufossé Canal:
ixsane provides project management services for the dredging of 10,500 m3 of sediments from the dead arm of the Neufossé Canal, including project outline, feasibility study, execution planning, design review, site supervision, and project completion. Dredging will be carried out using a mechanical excavator on a pontoon, and the sediments will be transported by barge to a transit site.

Project management support for dredging operations near the Gambsheim structures on the Rhine River:
ixsane provided project management support for the dredging of 106,000 m3 of sediments upstream and downstream of the Gambsheim structures on the Rhine, including regulatory framework, environmental preliminary studies, budget estimation, project management program, scheduling, and quality assurance. Dredging was performed using a suction dredger and a mechanical excavator on a pontoon, with sediments either reintroduced into the Rhine or transported by barge to a drying area.

Regulatory Documentation

Hydraulic, ecological, and landscape restoration of the Croix Branch:
ixsane prepared the Environmental Authorization dossier with an Impact Study for the dredging of 20,000 m3 of sediments in the Croix Branch.

Multi-year Management Plan for Maintenance Dredging Operations (PGPOD) on the Saône River for a 10-year period:
ixsane developed the PGPOD for the planned dredging works on the Saône River over a 10-year period, involving a total volume of 300,000 m3 of sediments.

Maintenance dredging operation in the Ansereuilles turning area:
ixsane is preparing the Environmental Authorization dossier with an Impact Study for the dredging of 13,800 m3 of sediments in the canalized Deûle River at the Ansereuilles turning area.