ixsane, your engineering and consulting partner

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Unique expertise

Image d'une manœuvre d'ingénierie

ixsane is a company specialized in environmental engineering studies and consulting. ixsane supports its clients and partners (local authorities, developers, promoters, landlords, industrial companies, etc.) in various fields, including the redevelopment of urban and industrial brownfields, territorial planning, circular economy, hydraulic design and modeling, Project Management and Owner's Assistance, Data analysis, artificial intelligence, ...

ixsane has two departments: Engineering, Innovations & Technology Transfers. The Engineering department conducts studies from diagnosis to project management. The Innovations and Technology Transfers department develops and implements collaborative innovation projects with industrial companies, local authorities, and national and international research units. The objective is to transfer the results of innovative projects to the economic world.

Eolienne image

Our Services

Ixsane in a few figures

Icone définissant le nombre de dossiers réalisés par an


Number of projects completed per year

Icone désignant le nombre de partenaires académiques et industriels


Number of academic and industrial partners

Icone désignant le pourcentage de clients satisfaits


Percentage of satisfied clients

They trust us

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Logo CUD (Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque)Logo du groupe SOFIMLogo de Douaisis AggloLogo de la Communauté d'Agglomération du BoulonnaisLogo des VNFLogo LMHLogo d'Arleux